Friday, May 16, 2008

Sakura Drops (Chapter 2)

Sakura went to his house for a sleep-over. He borrowed her a room filled with items that girls usually use. She was so tired that she laid in bed to sleep immediately. She doesn't even know Jin came inside her room to check on her.

"Sakura, you're the only girl i want ever since i saw you this morning. You don't know how much you capture and tortured my brain and eyes. Why can't i just say it to her face?"

Sakura woke up and Jin drove her home. Along the way, they were talking about the legends of Japan and the Sakura Drops road. Before they knew it, they were in front of her house already.

"See you!" Sakura said with a smile.

Jin said good bye and drove along the road. Sakura went inside her house and realized she was alone again. She wanted to cry but she held it in and went onto her lap top. Her parents had given her a laptop and a new cellular phone for her birthday. Secretly, now her job is to write love stories under the name "Yamiku Tira".

After 2 hours, Sakura decided it was best to leave the laptop and went out. She called her friends and they were all free so they decided to meet at the Shopping Complex. Sakura, dressed in a mini-skirt (she doesn't have jeans, her mum makes her wear skirts) and a white top decorated with sakura flowers. She doesn't really like to wear accesories.

A few minutes later, she saw her friends walking towards her. She not only saw her friends, but with their boyfriends! "That's strange..." she thought then she looked at her watch. "OH MY GOSH! IT'S VALENTINES DAY!" she screamed in her thoughts. They came over and decided to go to the food court to eat.

Sakura soon found out it was best if she was not here because they-her friends- were so "busy" that they've forgotten about her! Sakura decided to leave them a message and go shopping by herself. She walked into an anime shop till...


"my head!"

Sakura looked up and saw Akira, her childhood friend.

"Aki!" she said with a grin, she can feel her cheeks blushing.

He looked at her with angry eyes and whispered "Don't call me Aki in public. Especially in front of my friends.

Sakura blushed even more. People used to say that they were together since they eat lunch together, go to the movies together and sometimes even bought the same T-shirt! They both are interested in the same things. Lately, they haven't seen each other because he was out with his 9th girlfriend.

"Why aren't you with your girlfriend?"Sakura asked with mock concern (she was actually angry cause he never asked her to be his girlfriend).

"We broke up." he said casually.

"Hey, Akira! You didn't say you have a date for valentines day!" came a voice behind Akira.

Akira introduced Sakura to his friend, Taka. Taka were all looking at me till Akira stepped in front of her. He was always protective towards her and was always argueing about how much her clothes show and it was better even if she took her clothes off. Sakura usually laugh but he's still over-protective to her.

Akira has dark hair (jet black), Brown eyes that follows me everywhere and the most wonderfully personality. Sakura have a crush on him right now. She knows, deep inside her heart that the feelings towards Jin was a normal feeling ( she meant, even for all girls, if a cute boy touches you or even talk to you, you get tense, right?). She love Akira whole-heartedly.

"where are your friends?" he asked with concern.

" They are probably sticking more glue to their boyfriend's lips." Sakura said with her cheeks blushing HARD!

"Hey, i need to go now. See ya Aki-Aki!" he shouted mockingly at Akira.

"Don't call me that!" he shouted after him.

Akira looked quite angry for a few minutes. I was getting worried until he said "let's go to the roof. We can see the sunset from there,"

My heart skipped a beat as i follow him up.

"Hey Sakura?"


"Can i hold your hand please?"

He reached for my hand. I gave it to him. We were finally upstairs for the never-ending staircase. We know this place quite well. It was were we first met. Even more coicidentely, on Valentines day. We sat down on the floor and looked at the sunset.

"Sakura, do you know why i had so many girlfriends?"


"I wanted to sort out my feelings towards.... You...."

Sakura's heart was beating faster and fasted. She told herself not to keep her hopes too high but...

"What i'm saying is... Can you please be my 1st girlfriend that i loved seriously for a long time?"

"I... I always liked Akira.... I love you..."

He took her hand and pulled her close and kissed Sakura on her lips. He put his hand around her and Sakura could feel his heart beating hard. Sakura wanted this to last forever. Little did she know that Jin had saw the whole thing...

1 comment:

MooN le3 said...

nice story!!
hv u ever thought 2 publish a book??
hope 2 see chapter 3 soon!!