Friday, May 16, 2008

Sakura Drops (Chapter 1)

It was early in the morning, Sakura Hina, aged 17 was already in her class room. Her parents died a month ago and she was now supporting her own life and expenses. Sakura was doing her homework until the bell rang.

"Darn it!" she said.

She stopped doing her homework. Now, she needs to clean up the classroom since she was on duty today. It was a mess. Bottles and paper were all over the floor.

"Excuse me." someone said.

Sakura turned around and saw the most amazing boy in her classroom. He have black hair (not too long, mind you), he most gentlest eyes and 3 pierced earings. He also looks very mature.

"Yes?" Sakura asked.

"Where is class 5A? he asked.

"Down the hall and turn to the right. The classroom on your right!"

He muttered thanks and left. Sakura wondered if she is going to meet him again. Then a few minutes later, a few students started turning up. She looked at them and saw Yuriko, Sakuno and Diva. They were her best friends and they always come early whenever Sakura was on duty.

Sakura said morning to them and continued with her work. After 5 minutes, the classroom was cleaned. Sakura sat down and told them the meeting of the boy whom she meet a few minutes ago.

"Wow!" exclaimed Diva.

A few minutes during homeroom...

"Class, we have a new student. He's suppose to be in class 6A due to his intelligence, but he was transfered here instead. He came from Tokyo so i expect all of you to take care of him. Sakura!" he called.

"Yes?" Sakura quickly replied (teacher have a short sense of patience).

"Can you please show our new student around?"


Teacher Azumi went out and introduced us to the new student. I didn't pay much attention, all Sakura could think about was "man, stuck with the job to show a student around! This sucks...".

"Erm... Sakura? Boy with black hair, 3 piercings and gentle eyes, right?" i heard from Yuriko who sat behind me.

"Hm? Yeah. Why?" i asked.

"Look at the boy coming towards you." she suddenly said in a whisper.
Sakura looked up and my heart beat 7 times harder than what it beat a few minutes ago! It was the same boy who asked for the directions to class 5A!

"Nice to meet you, Sakura. I'm Jin." he said to me. He offered his hand to her.

"Oh, how nice to see you again, i'm Sakura. Well, i think you knew that." Sakura answered.

"Pretty much." he grinned.

Teacher Azumi arranged them to sit together so that he can share books with her.
"How come everything seems like a story?" Sakura asked myself.

"Hey, Sakura." Jin whispered.

"Hmm? Yeah. What?"

"Can you have lunch with me later at Hitako's Cafe? It's pretty weird to be at a place where i don't know anyone."


My heart was beat 10 times what it was a few minutes ago!

"God! We have maths, history, japanese, chinese and art homework! This is the worst!" Sakura said after school. Sakura usually finish my homework but with great dificullty.

"Do you need my help?" Jin asked.

"Do you mind?" Sakura asked in her teasing voice.

"Tonight, my mansion, 2.00pm. Sakura Drops road. Coincidence?"


After we had our lunch, he offered to send her back home to pack since Sakura was going to stay at his house for a night. She usually refuse when boys asked her but she felt like she could trust him.

"Packed, homework ready, reference ready and..." she picked up her family photo and put it carefully in her bag.

He drove her to his mansion at Sakura Drops road.

"Do you know the legend of the Sakura Drops road?" i asked.

"Hmm? I think it was about the promise to get married here and the girl died, right? Just when the sakura flowers started dropping. The girl's name was Sakura too. The meaning of the road meant that the girl drops dead, right? I heard that this place became a haven for couples and when the sakura drops on them, they will be in love forever right?"

"You seem to know a lot." Sakura answered.

Just then, Sakura flowers started to drop on them. Sakura tried hard not to notice but she knew her cheeks were burning. Suddenly, Jin stopped the car and looked up.

"What a nice day, let's do our homework here." Jin said.

"Sure!" Sakura said and jumped out from the car, just then, Jin took her hand and said.

"I'm really happy i came here. Really, i am.." he said, looking inside Sakura's eyes.

Sakura's heart skipped a beat when he pulled her closer and hugged her shoulder. She knew if anyone saw her right now, gossip will go all over the school. She didn't care. She wanted this to last forever.


"Yes, Jin?"

"After we do our homework, can we walk down to the pond of Sakura Drop park?"


Sakura, regretfully, released herself from his hold and started doing her homework. With Jin, it seems so much easier to do her homework but there were times she couldn't help looking up at him. At approximately 3.30pm, their homework were finished and they started their walk to the pond.

When they finally got there, she looked inside the pond. Her family used to go there every evening on Saturdays. She finally realised the it was very silent between them so she decided to ask a question.

"Do you know the story of the pond of Sakura Drop's park?" Sakura asked with nervousness because he pulled me closer until our shoulders touch.

"Tell me."

Sakura said " they used to came here. Sakura and Ikuzi. This was their last meeting spot. It was said that they had their first kiss here too. After Sakura died, Ikuzi was seen commiting suicide to be with his lover forever. Right here. In this pond."

"Do you believe in that story?" Jin asked.

"Yes, i do." i replied.

"So do i... So do i..." Jin said. He put my hands to his lips and kissed them lightly.

1 comment:

Wishing... said...

wow! first one to read and comment, i would like to say, this story is a bit predictable but it's okay. Good job!